Linked in -My online community and inspiration to do so.


As mentioned in my very first blog post – this blog was created (apart from the reason of Network Media) but used to set up an online resume and platform where I can post academic thoughts and career based accomplishments. In my past few blog posts I have delved into other online communities I might have found of interest but when reflecting on where I spend most time on the internet and what doing, my online community focus changed. At this point in my life and what I am trying to achieve in the next six months (graduating and getting a job) my current community focus is LinkedIn.

My blog is a useful platform to post work experience, photos and academic thoughts in order to create my ‘Online CV’ – now I need to challenge that into my community. I found this interesting video so lick Here  to better explain whats currently going on it my online community.

Below is a video of one of my tutors from last year who has nailed her “online community”. Nicole is the soul reason why I’m a) on twitter b) know how to use it and c) given me the knowledge to develop my own personal twitter campaign used for an internship last year in Botswana.

Starting off doing crisis communications for the Australian Defence force Nicole Matejic has most recently published her own book called ‘Social media rules of engagement”. If there is somewhere to be present on the internet be in twitter, painters, own personal youtube channel and even soundcloud – she’s on it. I think it would be a bit ambiguous to aim to be like Nicole however her online community and linked in profile is a useful platform to base my own “online presence” off.

This is Nicole appearing on the project about social media and her experiences.




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