Assessment Two: Online Community

Finding My Community

“The bigger advantage is gained by network literacy; knowing how to conceptualise, access and benefit from the information flowing through your social network.(Hoffman 2012) A quote from the chairman of LinkedIn, Reid Hofman’s highlights advancement in network literacy and professional advancement of social networks. LinkedIn is an online environment used to build professional and industry relationships. The operation of LinkedIn allowed industry professionals to connect with one another, assisting with recruitment processes (Vermeiren 2009). LinkedIn is my chosen online community, mimicking the major theme of my blog being an online resume.By using notions of network literacy and an understanding of writing for a particular audience my online community contribution has been relatively successful.

Through story telling and language I have developed a voice for an intended audience whilst portraying a reality of myself through writing (Lanham 1992). My blog purpose being an online resume explores academic thoughts in relation to network media and industry experience, therefor LinkedIn is my best suited community. Included on my blog are social links“creating an element of interactivity for the user” (Peng, Tham, & Xiaoming, 1999) and to enhance my online presence and employment opportunities (Uys 2010). These tools also demonstrate the foundations of network literacy through engaging and connecting. (Miles 2007)

When developing my online community writing understanding I researched into Nicole Matejic’s book “Social Media Rules of engagement”. This blog post and her book discusses  the importance of an online presence in assisting in your career, facilitating my community writing.

My community language and interaction of other pages effects the way the community operates as people can see when you have viewed their page and when you have connected with them. If my online language is not professional it will also effect the perception of my page. blog post is a slide show and explanation of four point I have identified as being important to develop my language and become part of a “professional group” Oatway (2012). This shows through photos my success of contributing to my online community as I frequently update my page and engage with personal areas of interest. As a result I can see frequent jobs posted and companies will be abel to find my page if they search for certain skills.

Otway (2012) discusses the process of finding your online community, seeking multiple places in “where we might be hanging out”. These blog posts demonstrate the process of finding my most relevant online community as I explored and engaged with multiple until I found the right one. I’v chosen LinkedIn as I was unable to create the appropriate language and presence in other community

In conclusions LinkedIn is my chosen online community as I feel as though I have a strong level of cross connection, demonstrating network literacy and development of language to my online community audience. Although I believe my connection is successful, peers have only viewed my page rather than industry professionals. It order to enhance my presence in this professional group I must continue to connect and engage within my LinkedIn community.


Uys, R. (2010). Because your online presence matters. Lexington, KY: Xlibris.

Loveless, D., Griffith, B., Bérci, M., Ortlieb, E. and Sullivan, P. (n.d.). Academic knowledge construction and multimodal curriculum development.p 401-405.

Oatway, J. (2012). Mastering story, community and influence. Finding You’r Community. (pp 97) Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.:

Matejic, N. (n.d.). Social media rules of engagement.

kerin, R. (2005). Book Review: New Literacies: Changing Knowledge and Classroom Learning, What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy, Multimodal Literacy. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 5(2), pp.175-184.

Miles, Adrian. “Network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge.” Screen Education Autumn.45 (2007): 24-30. (2016). Lessons from Linkedin’s Reid Hoffman: The future’s in network literacy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 May 2016].

Vermeiren, J. (2009). How to really use LinkedIn. [Charleston, SC.]: Booksurge

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