Assessment Task 1: Blogging


“Network literacy is not the same as being computer literate – in the same way that being print literate implies more than just being able to read and write”  (Miles 2007). I have tried to adopt the notion of network literacy through engaging and connection, understanding the system by which network information is generated through hypertexts and network skills.

In the context of network literacy I have participated as a peer, trying to understand the emerging knowledge and networks of the Internet (Miles 2007). Analysed on my blog are academic concepts, photos, links and personal entires emphasising the idea of “Creating an element of interactivity for the user” (Peng, Tham, & Xiaoming, 1999). I have started to create a solid online environments however in my critical analysis I wonder if i have developed a strong enough notion of network literacy and other theories explored throughout the course.

The concept of my blog was developed to be an online resume demonstrating academic opinions  and work related achievements. I attached a creative comms licence as I am the copy right owner, whilst also signifying some rights are given away, allowing people to connect (Prof. Lessig)

McClure framed network literacy in two ways by combining knowledge with a range of skills.

In this I have demonstrated a crucial part of network literacy as I have inserted links to social pages for anyone who is visiting my website, ultimately creating and expanding my online environment.

In this specific blog post I  demonstrated network literacy skills by increasing the value of information by combining resources with information (McClure p119). This post adds to the concept of my blog, being an online resume as I discuss part of an internship.  However it lacks a depth of network literacy as the photos posted are not on other personal social sources, the platform was built but not expanded (Delwiche

Building from this I have tried to expand my online environment by using mixed media, connecting the post on other social platforms in this blog post. I have tried to make it interactive for the user, however it does lack an element of skills and mixed media.

An important part of blogging is being able to ‘connect’ and explain rather than just reading and receiving information. I have tried to demonstrated this in conjunction with Hyperlinking through  this blog post as I make comparisons with another peers blog I like. This is further enhanced by other articles I have shares on my blog.

On reflection of my blog I have considered the question “Has blogging excited you as a writer, or made things difficult?”I feel blogging has given me a platform to express academic and general thoughts however I have put minimal technical skills and mixed media into practice. I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging and expressing my opinions on academic theories however have found it difficult to branch from there.

Overall I have used my blog thus far to discuss thoughts and opinions in relation to Network Media 2016, using some theoretical concepts in my work such as network literacy and hyperlinks. Blogging offers many possibilities that other forms of writing doesn’t as it allows people to connect and engage with your work, which is a crucial part of network and media literacy. Throughout the next part of the semester I plan to demonstrate a wider range of technical skills to enhance not online the quality but individuality of my work.


Miles, Adrian. “Network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge.” Screen Education Autumn.45 (2007): 24-30.

Delwiche, Aaron Alan, and Jennifer Jacobs Henderson. The Participatory Cultures Handbook. The Expanding role for media literacy in the age of participations cultures.234-235. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print.

Kubey, Robert William. Media Literacy In The Information Age. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1997. Print.

Eisenberg, Michael B et al. Information Literacy. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2004. Print.

McClure, Charles. “Network Literacy: A Role For Libraries”. Information Technology and Libraries (1994)

“The Hyperlinked Society: Questioning Connections In The Digital Age”. Choice Reviews Online 46.09 (2009): 46-5339-46-5339. Web

Bucy, Erik P. “Second Generation Net News: Interactivity And Information Accessibility In The Online Environment”. International Journal on Media Management 6.1-2 (2004): 102-113. Web.

Li, Xigen. Internet Newspapers. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. Print.

Network Media Students

This week we were discussing Hyperlinking and after heavy research into what it means, how it was created and the science behind it, its funny how its so easy to do.

Good thing about the internet (or bad) is that Cass, another blogger in Network Media, would have no idea that I am even Hyperlinking her blog.

I was reading through some blogs created by fellow peers and I came across Cass’s. I love her expression and thoughts and travel photos as I can see a little bit of my thoughts and life in hers.

Weird and stalker like I know, however I am drawing future inspiration from hers. Thingscanalwaysgetworse


Mentioned in my first blog post was that this platform is a space to express what I do, what I’m interested in and my thoughts regarding the academic side of blogging thanks to Network Media.

Although this has little educational relevance I am sharing with you some photos of my trip to Oman from last week.

Click on links to my social media profile to see more


Hyperlink Discussion

Hyper link

Discuss-  “Fall in through the living-room ceiling rather than entering through the front door”

I found this weeks reading particularly interesting so decided to combine is with this weeks clicking activity in order to find out more. My basic understanding of it is that when you select and object it can somehow move from one object to another when it is all connected.

So i used the definition of Hyperlinks to find out about Hyperlinks and I came to a dead end pretty quickly regarding the definition, however branching from that I ended up on a page about inventors. Starting with google and typing in Hyperlinks clicking through with areas of interest didn’t think I would get to this page and I could have gone much further.

In its basic form its a method of sorting data through a computer program, allowing a user to create a link of information as they just from one click to the next ultimately being the structure of the world wide web.

To to answer the above questions I think in the WWW you never enter through the front door as anything in research, browsing or entertainment is all a bit of a stumble. You stumble across new facts, articles and information due to the invention of Hyperlinks. Even when you are specifically looking for something you are always going to stumble about something else.


Screen Shot 2016-04-05 at 5.33.38 pm

Im including this picture from the reading as i believe its the best definition of a Hyper text. It shows there is no direct entry for the reader and no direct exit and I don’t believe in the WWW we can ever enter through the front door.


This weeks in class activity was to create a Hootsuite and connect multiple social media platforms. As the whole idea about my blog is to increase my online present and name throughout the WWW I decided this would be a useful tool.

I have used tools like this to manage multiple pages and hashtags on twitter and to be honest sometimes I find them more complicated than useful. These social media platforms set up are created to be easy to navigate and accessible. I decided to set up Hootsuite as I’v made a commitment to improve my personal online community but am yet to figure out how this app will be of benefit.

Regardless I have made the account, connected my blog and social media channels and will update the benefits if I’m proven wrong!!


As I said, I wanted to make this blog a place to showcase and express my thoughts, life and experience.. or lack there of. Not knowing weather to start at the beginning of my experience of current going backwards I’m just  jumping in the middle.

So this is something that I have been up to recently.

Over the last six weeks I have been doing an internship at CARE Australia. technically known as a ‘media volunteer’.

CARE Australia’s walk in her shoes campaign ran from the 14th of March till the 21st where participants could sign up to walking 25km 50km or 100km over the week to raise money for women whom have to walk on average 6km a day to collect water.

With the main focus on women’s equality, raising money to place these girls in school my roll was to find interesting participants and facilitate coverage in local and regional media.

Below are a few photos from the Walk in Her Shoes event that was held in Fitzroy Gardens to launch the Walk In Her Shoes campaign. It was amazing to see so much support from participants that have signed up, going above and beyond to come to the event or walk the entire 2km with two buckets of water on their shoulders.

Such an amazing and rewarding experience to be involved in.






Its funny how much time I spend on social media but no one ever really knows what I am doing. I feel people abuse social media platforms to boast, and although this is a form of one this is a blog created about me and what I get up to in my everyday life. Something this is not forced shared with my 1000 Facebook friends but something this is shared with only people that want to willingly “connect”.

The bad and maybe good thing about me is that I am so buried in the internet. Having a last name that is not a name but more of a word ‘Music’ means that i am deeply hidden in google. Without developing my own privacy setting I already have one.

I have added my social media links on the side to (not because they are of particulare interest) add again a deeper level of personal connection with those who care to me.

What are some ways we can demonstrate network literacy on our blogs discussion

Being network literate is not the same as, or at least not equal to, being computer literate – in the same way that being print literate implies considerably more than just being able to read and write

For most current bloggers we have never really known a life without the internet and it is only natural for us be able to engage with internet content however i feel as though it is only ever on a surface level.

Network Literacy is the process of becoming familiar and comfortable with many different used to create an online environment. Creating a sound platform of online literacy will allow me and all other web practitioners to get informations from board sources quickly, to create a variety of different personal networks and to be able to share and connect with other students and professionals.

Network literacy can be demonstrated in a number of different ways, however I think an important element of it is connections. Network literacy is the same as print literacy, its considerably more than just being abel to read and write. Network literacy is about connecting and engaging to become part in an online conversations and environments.

One way that we can demonstrate network literacy on our blog conversations is by connecting and angering with others to share thoughts and discussion . Anyone can read a web page or blog post however a certain level of engagement I feel is required in order to become network literate.

Below I have inserted a link to a blog of interest a link to an interesting article i found on Network Literacy, not to make a point that I’m connecting but something that has given me food for thought in my future writing.

Network Literacy in an electronic society

Week one thoughts

Apparently there are more blogs out there than people who read them.

May be so – but if your a being on the planet then you can be a being in cyber space.

In our first Network Media class we discus key points of our blogs, what we wish to gain, what will be challenging and what out blog will be about. I have written for blogs before but have never created my own which is rather draughting thinking you have to build an online presence from the ground up instead of just walking into an already made space and contributing content.

One point that i took from our first reading was academic blogging. My blog is going to be a personal space but also a space where I want to challenge and analyses any academic  theories or readings regarding blogging.